Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kirk Franklin - I Am (video) and article


Have you ever faced depression, because it seemed as if, no matter what you try, things just would not work out in your favor? After years of struggling, straining and trying, life appears to be working against you, instead of for you. Please do not think that you are alone. So many people have been where you are. Others still are, some feeling helpless and hopeless.

There are those who have stopped trying to better their lives. They have succumbed to the pressures of life and decided that it is no use believing things can be better. They have accepted the circumstances they face, as their lot in life, as fate. In other words, they have bent under the obstacles and hurdles of life, and believe that they have tried long enough.

I hope that this is not your state of mind. I hope that you are not planning on quitting on your dream and goals. I trust that you are not one of those who have thrown in the towel. If you are contemplating such a thing, then this is your wake up call.

Never give up on your goals and dreams. I know that sometimes the challenges can seem over-whelming. I am aware that sometimes the pressures faced can seem to blind one's focus and make you think you will never realize your purpose. But, it is a proven fact that those who never give up usually get what they are after.

Stay in the game. Keep doing what you know to do. Push past the resistance. Keep your hands to the plough. The breakthrough you seek may be right around the bend. No, you may not see it. But have faith that it is going to be alright. Do not allow the pressure to put you in depression. And if you have become discouraged, throw off those sagging emotions and make a renewed commitment that you will reach your target, accomplish your goals and fulfill the Divine purpose for your life.

Turn a deaf ear to fear. Refuse to accept failure as final. Make a firm decision that you believe in your dream enough to pursue it relentlessly and persistently. Actually, decide to stay with it, pursuing your goals and dreams until they come to pass or until you leave this side.

You can receive some encouragement by doing the following:

1. Go to the library or bookstore and find some books which show how people, despite their varied difficulties, preserved and accomplished their dreams. Read their stories. Let their words encourage you. But, do not give up.

2. Make a firm decision that you will not quit. Maybe you will need to rethink your approach toward your goals. Maybe, you may have to make some adjustments. Make them. But do not quit.

3. Watch the company you keep. If your friends are negative and constantly pull down your dreams, find some new friends. If it is some close family member, then don't share your dream around them. Find some positive friends and listen to their encouraging words. But, whatever you do, never quit.

Sheldon D. Newton is an inspirational and motivational speaker, teacher, pastor and seminar lecturer. He is the Founder and Senior pastor of Jesus Christ Centered Ministries International and the author of various books including, Refuse to Live the Common Life, The Positive Power of Biblical Affirmations, Humility and the Honor of God and True Spirituality,
His burning purpose is to see lives transformed through the application of timeless and godly principles, which will enable them to live better lives of peace, wholeness and fulfillment. This purpose has taken him throughout the islands of the Bahamas, The United States of America and The British Virgin Islands.

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